Bloomberg's Interview with Andrew Sheng
"You have to understand China is a very big economy...still growing....(and so on so forth)"
Well, honestly, tell us something we did not know.
For me, it is more like a jawboning policy. We talks China will take their 12th 5 year plan seriously, bringing household electronics (fridge, air-con, electronic stove, etc.) and even car into country side. However, they would also focus on green growth, which means these products would be energetically-efficient.
I see a gap here. China Data mask Depth of Slowdown: NYtimes, by Keith Bradsher
No matter how efficient these electronic devices are, by providing them into the market mean an increase of electronic usage. (If they were newly-installed). Then, how come the electricity consumption data does not conform with the plan?
All in all, his words indeed still has some grounds. I think I would agree on one of his sentence: "The main point about finance is it must serve the real sector" Yet, I am not sure, whether such assertion holds for Chinese Banking/Finance sectors, are they supporting the real sector, or supporting the "planned sector" which would lead to a greater inefficiency, which, would eventually burst up.
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