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Thursday, January 31, 2013

貶值: 真的有貨幣戰爭?

這篇是我這些年來對於總經的粗淺認知, 我嘗試推演傳說中的貨幣戰爭根本不存在, 試圖用另外一個角度來告訴大家現在的相競貶值到底在玩些什麼花樣?

首先, 我想先回顧一下我之前寫的一篇文章, 到底貨幣是什麼? 我們持有cash的目的是什麼?
The value of (holding) cash 其中有兩個很重要的概念:

1. 現金還是一種政府擔保發行的一種資產, 以政府的概念來看就是一種超短期債,以個人的角度來看就是持有某種短期政府債券. 跟其他債券一樣,他也是一種金融資產.

2. 一個國家的國民: 你, 會持有這個大家普遍信任的債券去交易: 不論是交易你想取得的財貨或勞務, 或者是把這個債券換成其他的金融資產,比如你去投資股票或者其他債券etc.

3. (本文新加入這點) 別人為什麼會願意收下你的這個金融資產,讓你換取實體財貨或者是勞務? 因為他相信這張紙具有"購買力" :換句話說: 持有這張金融資產可以讓他在往後的短時間內還是可以兌換到相應的產品,他並不用承擔任何短期的損失.

ok, 那印鈔票到底會發生什麼事情,貶值會發生什麼樣的事情?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bloomberg Views:Robert Shiller文選,更多不同的角度來看財務管理

這四篇文章最早動筆在2012年五月,結果到了2013年才完工。那天在看"黑暗騎士:黎明升起" (The Dark Knihgt Rises)時的一幕場景,讓我把這篇文章一股作氣打完了。

那幕場景是這樣的:當一群狂徒衝進證券交易所,打算要用電腦plug in他們的程式的同時,一個交易員跟他們說:"你們這樣是偷竊財物!!"




事實是這樣嗎?Prof. Robert Shiller透過四篇在Bloomberg的文章,希望大家可以有新的角度來看財務跟資本主義。這些工具真的為惡多端?還是只是工具,而端看我們如何利用?而作惡的另有其人?

Monday, January 14, 2013

4 Bloomberg Robert Shiller collection

(This article has been laying in my draft box for a long time, here we go: 中文版本在此)

I just saw "The Dark Knihgt Rises" recently. I did not quite like the plot, especially the ending...(what the....) However, there is a scene caught my eyes, when, "liberators" stormed into a stock exchange and tried(and succeeded) to execute a transaction that made Bruce Wayne broken.

This is an interesting metaphor, when people might think stock exchange. Individual greed might be a small drop, yet eventually all converge into stock exchange where the greed become a huge flood: One day it might wash up all your wealth.

Is that true? Shouldn't ordinary people know a thing or two about finance and even enjoy what modern finance bringing to them?

Prof. Shiller's collection of these four articles(on Bloomberg) are going to offer the readers a new perspective.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Attacking on Football field:Is star player good for the team?

Is there a problem of too much concentration on star players? Let's find out!!

(This is an extension version of my original article on Taiwanese Bulletin Board System(BBS) station: FCBarcelona @

From the Table below, could we say that, when Messi score more(in total team percentage), we obtain less trophy we should get?

(The statistics are from Wikipedia, which cited the original source with I do double check with the number and they fit. I only use La Liga statistics, no European competition score was taken into account)

假想情境:Omicron已在歐洲 (?)
