1.) 我回到我最熟悉的東西: 經濟學,與跟投資相關的事情,人長大要認分, 沒有時間就得專注在寫自己最有興趣的事情.
2.) 盡量用中文寫作: 上一回我用英文寫東西大概是王建民有持續出賽的時候. 一來是發現英文太久沒寫退步太多,再來就是有些概念要用英文寫作心力要花得更深.
3.) 挑戰都在睡覺的美術細胞: 這次回台灣的時候跟一些朋友碰面,他們問到了一些我感興趣而且可以解釋的問題. 我常見的做法就是拉一張A4紙, 一枝鉛筆, 開始解公式畫圖!! 雖然筆者真的美術細胞不佳, 意外發現大家的反應跟理解都還挺不錯的. 所以在適用的場合我就會盡量加些線條, 讓文章好懂些.
4.) Last but not least:
Facebook 專頁: "那些我們說不準的事"開張!!!

Facebook專頁跟部落格本身最大的不同是: 有時候真的沒有時間寫文,但是對閱讀到的東西有些想法的時候,我就會簡短的分享在專頁上, 或者是我把一篇舊聞修改好了,也會重新放到專頁上去呈現. 這樣大家可以不斷地收取到新消息,也對當下的國際議題能有新的update!
(English Version)
Once a while, I reviewed my initiation of writing this blog, what I have achieved, and what I am still in short of.
In general, I still keep the original ambition for writing this blog. Yet, I do notice I got some changes in the past few months.
1.) I narrow down mostly toward the topics related to Economics/Finance. Well, it is not really a "narrow-down" since there are still lots of things we could talk about. I just expect myself to speak things in-depth, instead of spreading to all topics with general brush over it.
2.) I mostly write in Mandarin: I have to apologize to my readers who are not familiar with the language. You do not get much to read in the past 3 months. It is simply the cost-benefit consideration. It takes me much more time to write in English since I have to re-read/edit it carefully. I hope I could have more time for it soon!
3.) I got a Facebook Fan Page: Here it is
Again, this is mainly in Mandarin. However, since it is easier to post something short in English, you could expect me to share some more ideas in English over there. And conversation would be fun! Please engage more up there if you are interested ! :)
I will see you all again when next 10,000 viewership is due! stay tuned and enjoy reading! Adeu!
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