There are a few things worth noting in this game, so this article is born.
1. This is the first time we yield goals to opponent at home match, and, ya, we yield 2 goals to them!!!
This result might be attributed to a rather unfamiliar starting formation (at least for me) in this match. We only place Puyol, Abidal and Mescherano on defending size. Though Alves coming in at 46 mins in second half and we yield a second goal at 52 mins, four players on defence side makes it more stable in second half. I believe we need a stable four defendants (including both wing defender) on the field. An winter or summer transfer for a fresh left-wing defender is most needed.
這場比賽被Betis進的兩球, 是今年賽季主場第一次失球, 還一次失兩球, 嘖嘖
防守線上只放三名球員看起來真的抖的有勝, 4-4-2的陣行就非得要有雙翼的防守才行. 找個便宜有成長潛力的替補左後應該是冬轉或者是夏轉的首要課題.
2. While defence may need reinforcement, attacking fire power has solid demostration, and versatility.
a few statistics worth noticing:
a. Overall: We are less than half way(17 games played/ 38games in total) in La Liga this year so far, and we already scored 51 goals. Last season we got 95 goals in whole season. A mark can be surpassed this year.
b. Xavi: He has marked 6 goals in this year, expecting a career hightest goal score per season. The career highlight is 7 goals in La Liga (2007-2008) season. With half season to go, it won't be hard to break the past record.
c. Alexis and Fabregas: proven to be successful transfer in last summer window. The former scoring 6 goals and the later made 9 goals so far. Not even mentioning the assistance coming from boarder perspectives that makes others harder to defend.
防守看起來很抖, 但是進攻看起來就好得太多. Xavi今年已經打進六球, 快要接近他過去單季最高進球紀錄(7球, 07-08球季)
今年的轉會算是相當成功, Cesc 愛家(加)的就感心轉會讓我們除了增加中場控制之外, 還大幅增強了攻擊火力可以說是可喜可賀. 就算是傷病衝擊了Pedro跟Villa看來對攻擊火力並沒有太大的減損. 事實上, 在攻擊面我們比過去還更強大, 打了不到球季的一半我們已經進了51顆球, 去年全年是進了95球.
3. Referee to be blamed? Iniesta's card looks dubious.
I probably should wrote this when last match was played. Espanyol did not deserved that equal game since a handball clearly overlooked. When this match, Iniesta should not get a card, and he did (get one).
MD has a special report on this issue. And Xavi said: " This year the errors of referees become the reality"
It is always a lame reason to blame referee for not winning games. Yet it always worth to strike such issue. Referee errors simply sucks, and even sucks more when they consistently benefit one team and against the other.
在上一場裁判被鬼遮眼的手球誤判就讓我很不爽了, 這場Iniesta又莫名的被發了張黃牌. Pep說他會上訴, Xavi也說今年誤判快要變成常態了, MD還特別做了個統計看一下說到底誤判發生在我們跟馬德里身上會長得怎樣.
雖然靠北裁判是個很遜的理由, 但是誤判會減少比賽的精采程度.
"Rajoy一上台, 西甲的裁判也都準備好了"
(註: 西班牙前首相Zapatero曾經說過他是巴薩迷, 至於Rajoy跟PP一向是支持馬德里最高主義的)
4. Equal hurts:
So far we have 5 equal games already. The whole last season we only have 6. one at home(0-0) and all other 4 are away. We definitely need to work more on that.
太多平手啦, 去年一整年也才六場平局, 今年打到現在就已經五場了. 打客場比賽, 很有可能每個球隊都會用更凶悍的踢鏟與更鐵桶的陣型來面對, 但是連西甲球隊打客場都這麼辛苦的話, 在歐陸戰場上我們將會更辛苦. 踢客場比賽變成下半年主要的問題所在!
oh, one more thing. (and breaking news): Abidal's contract has been renewed!! We could have a good solid half season to go!
歐 在打這篇文章的同時, 媒體發布了Abidal續約的消息!!
Força Barça!
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