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Sunday, November 25, 2012

A glimpse of thought: Risk seeking and boom-bust circle

In my leisure time, I read two article about the boom and bust of economic circles: one article is about how Ching Dynasty is doomed by a rubber price mania in early 20th century, the other is about the housing price in Europe now, at least in some regions, are coming back.

This gives me a thought: How to study people's risk-seeking behaviors!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The price of (holding) cash

What is the true value of cash you hold in hands? There are actually two very interesting views

1. Cash as a option, priceless!

What Warren would say is this:
"Cash is an call option, with no expiration date and no strike price."

2. "Money is (a form of) debt"

The academia might have another perspective to offer. In this interview with Harald Uhlig, John Cochrane, and Gideon Magnus at Morningstar, they consider money as debt.

Unraveling the Mysteries of Money (just in case the video won't show up directly, you could use the combined with the title)

Thursday, November 1, 2012


今天晚上突然靈光一閃想到:要對於想要了解歐債風暴或者是財政危機始末,卻沒有經濟或者財務背景的市井小民,要如何解釋這樣的問題?歐債四國, 這些被稱為PIGS(Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain)的四隻小豬,跟紅遍台灣半邊天的豬哥亮,恰恰好有異曲同工之妙!!

假想情境:Omicron已在歐洲 (?)
