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Thursday, October 25, 2012

資本主義為你服務(4): 如何了解勞動市場?

這篇文章最早開始於2012年的10月,當時最低薪資在台灣媒體還跟釣魚台議題都很占版面,然而,釣魚台議題討論得沸沸揚揚,最低薪資卻草草的在倉促決定下落幕。這樣討論的熱度跟台灣人斤斤計較, 審慎處理自己荷包的文化下似乎不成比例,而剛好美國最近聯邦最低薪資是否要調高再次成為話題,我也就把這篇文章重新整理一遍。

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Capitalism works for you(3)?: We could also have "public service" market

Newark’s Booker Lures Wall Street Millions to City Few Have Seen Bloomberg(Oct 3, 2012)
This is a case that Capitalism/Market economy indeed helps people to improve their conditions.

When people talk of Capitalism and criticize about it, they usually cite how "unjust" of these phenomenons: millions bonus, luxurious mansion,  super cars and excessive spending on meals and clothing.  However, that is only "the surface" of how a group of people exhibit their fortune. These, frnakly speaking, has little to do with Capitalism. Along the course of history, any of the "have-it-all" class would do the same.

Yet, capitalism is about competition, about marketplace, and about how marketplace could be an efficient mechanism to allocate resources. This news also tell us that, capitalism can also be applied in political occassions and do "good" to the public.

Capitalism works for you? (2): what's a market about?

 *Simply put, what the heck is Capitalism????

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Capitalism works for you?(1) 資本主義為你服務/適合你?

原文的句子可以解釋成"資本主義適合你"; 或是"資本主義為你服務.",一語雙關,令人玩味

假想情境:Omicron已在歐洲 (?)
